Wednesday, 15 May 2013


That smug bastard Cameron
Has got it all wrong:
Judging by the news
I’d say
We’re all paedophiles now.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


(the following conversation was real, and has not been edited or cut for comedy purposes)

“Did you see that new comedy programme last night?”
“Which one was that?”
“A Good Night Out or somethin’. Dunno what channel it was on. Really funny, well directed, really well written, I really enjoyed it.”
“Yeah, that’s one thing we do really well. Comedy. The British sense of humour…”
“Yeah, but the Americans don’t really get it, they don’t get that British humour.”
“When they take one of our shows over there, they don’t get it right.”
“Yeah, the Americans just like to go around shooting each other with semi-automatic weapons.”

(end of conversation)


The best thing about working
In an office full of women
Is that toilet time
Is my time
Peace and solitude
And no one else farting, shitting,
Hawking, or talking.
There really is nothing weirder
Than two men holding a conversation
While also holding
Their penis.